Neighbour Day 2024 Events!

Hi, Lethbridge! Hope you’ve been having a good week, despite the rain then sun then rain then lasting (hopefully) sun!! If you didn’t already know, last week on Saturday June 15 was NEIGHBOUR DAY!!!! WOOHOO!!!

We got to visit a couple of awesome Neighbour Day events held by Garry Station NA and the Upper Vic. Park NA, and WOW were they awesome. It was so nice to meet such great people that really love and care for their neighbourhood community and see the fruits of their dedication. I loved the (real) animals at the Garry Station event and the (balloon) animals at the Upper Vic. Park one!

Anyways, super excited to go to some more fun and engaging NA events this summer. Message us on Facebook or Instagram if needed and, as always, use our hashtag #yqln in your posts!

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